The School of Leaders is not a school in the academic sense. Instead, it is a school for a gathering, such as a school of fish. It is a gathering of Cursillo leaders. It helps these leaders "discover, accept, and grow in their vocations, bringing them together so they can take on the responsibility of being leaders in the Church, the Movement, and their respective secular environments."
If you are a Cursillista (i.e., you have attended a Cursillo Weekend) and are interested in serving the Cursillo community, please join us.
The journey continues for the Cursillo School of Leaders. Join us for the Spirit-filled year of 2023 as we review the weekend's talks and functions.
We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month via Zoom.
RECORDING of Deacon Jimmy Caldwell:Living the Cursillo Method:Moment Closest to Christ.
RECORDING of Kathy Schmidt: Reminders of Things to Do to Support the Weekend:Palanca to Being There.
recording of Marion Gould's talk: Sponsorship: How to Be A Good Cursillo Sponsor.
recording of Kathy Schmidt's talk: Prayer Support for the Cursillo Weekend.
recording of Nancy Vawter's talk: How to Find and Sponsor a Candidate.
recording of Sue Numrich's talk on an overview of the Cursillo weekend: The Encounter, The Material, The Flow, The Team.
recording of Deacon Jimmy Caldwell's talk on the weekend's Friday talks of The Three Glances of Christ, The Ideal, and Habitual Grace.
RECording of Ginger Caldwell's Friday talk on the weekend of Laity, Piety, Palanca, and Reconciliation.
Recording of Marian Gould's Saturday Part 1: Encountering Christ - Person of Christ, Study, Sacraments, Chapel Visits.
Recording of Brother Richard McCann: Saturday Part 2: Encountering Christ - Action, Obstacles, Leaders.
Recording of Sheila Williams' talk: Sunday Part 1: Encountering Others- Christ's Message to Cursillistas, Enviro.,Christianity in Action.
RECORDINGof Kathy Schmitt's talk: Sunday Part 2: The Cursillista Beyond the Cursillo, Total Security – Group Reunion and Ultreya
Recording of Phyllis Winston's talk: Sunday Part 3: Mananitas, Cross Ceremony, Closing, Mass.
Sessions are held via Zoom until further notice
Please visit the CSOL Calendar for dates of upcoming CSOL Sessions