Description:Father Kelley of St Martins DC and Rabbi Reichmann Invite you to join them in their Virtual Seder Service Wednesday, April 6 at 7pm. It should be no longer than 60 minutes This Seder is a special Haggadah which tells the story and history of the Jewish people as they took flight from Egypt in search of freedom. It also parallels their plight with that of the story of the Jews during Holocaust, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Fight for liberation from Apartheid in South Africa. There will be the traditional music and writing of the Jewish Haggadah, but there will also be the music and writings of the Civil Rights Movement, and the victims of the Holocaust, and Apartheid.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Laurel Ultreya is hosting a Cursillo Fun Night on Saturday, March 26 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Come prepared to share your favorite God or Bible story, or scripture and why it means so much, or your favorite take-away from the story. Let’s have fun sharing and telling how God continues to show His love for us in so many ways.
Dave and Dorie Ranagan of the Laurel Ultreya are moving to Berlin, Maryland, on the Eastern Shore. Plans are underway for a farewell party to be held at the parish hall at St. Nicholas Church, 8603 Contee Road, Laurel, MD 20708 on Saturday, April 2 immediately following the 5 PM Mass (about 6:00 PM). The party will be a potluck and sing-a-long with lots of reminiscing.